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The settings page is where you can define (and customise) the default values for several of the filters and dropdowns used in the Wayop application.


API settings

This section is pre-filled with your API key and secret key coming from Bókun. These credentials are the ones Wayop is using to be able to retrieve your bookings from Bókun.

Bokun api settings

Default payment status

By default Wayop defines 5 possible values for the payment status dropdown. Those values can be hidden (by clicking the Hiding icon icon) and new payment statuses can be created for your own needs by clicking the create new status button. Once a new status is created it can easily be edited or deleted. Editing or deleting the status will automatically be reflected in the different parts of the Wayop application.

Default payment statuses

Create a new payment status

Default ops status

By default Wayop defines 6 possible values for the operations status dropdown. Those values can be hidden (by clicking the Hiding icon icon) and new operations statuses can be created for your own needs by clicking the create new status button. Once a new status is created it can easily be edited or deleted. Editing or deleting the status will automatically be reflected in the different parts of the Wayop application.

Default operation statuses

Create a new operation status

Default passenger types

By default Wayop defines 2 possible values for the passenger type dropdown (adult/children). This dropdown is shown as part of the fields to be filled when creating a manual booking in Wayop. Those values can be hidden (by clicking the Hiding icon icon) and new types can be created for your own needs by clicking the create new type button. Once a new type is created it can easily be edited or deleted. Editing or deleting the type will automatically be reflected in the different parts of the Wayop application.

Default passenger types

Create a new operation status

Default currency

This is the default currency you want to be used when creating a manual booking in Wayop. Wayop gets the list of currencies supported directly from Bókun.

Default currency